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dance is my song

houston family photographer

To my Tiny Dancer,

Even though I’ve told you a hundred times, I’ll remind you once more—your mama was a dancer.  Dance was my life—-I didn’t do soccer; I did not play piano.  I danced and I danced a lot!  I started as a ballet dancer.  And a tap dancer.  A contemporary dancer.  A jazz dancer.  I did it all—it was the place I felt most safe.  It was something I excelled in–my passionate release.  In high school I was part of the dance company (shout out to FUSION–those who are reading!) and all I remember were soar muscles, bruised knees, total exhaustion.  But IT.  WAS. WORTH. IT.

This week, you  begin, what I hope to be, your dance life.  Lots of us who dance always dream of having a little girl who will wear the tutus, put those tights on, get on that stage and shine.  Yes, it’s totally cheesey, I know.  I mean it’s just a little ballet class, right?  But it really is so much more to me.  This tiny secret part of my heart hopes that you will love dancing as I once did and find your own place in the world of movement.  It will make your heart sing.  It will bring your creativity to a whole other level.  It will teach you discipline.  It will teach you respect—not just for your teachers but for yourself.

You can do this thing, girl.  I cannot wait to see where this takes you. Can’t wait to watch you shine up on that stage for the first time.

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