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Charlotte is 6!

August 28, 2020

Dear Charlotte,

SIX!  I want to wrap you up, squish you into a swaddle, and rock you forever!  I can’t believe you are 6!  I’ve been spending the last week going through lots of pictures of you from when you were born until now.  You were born with dark brown hair, then your hair turned red (we thought you’d be a redhead like your Poppy!), and then magically you became a blonde!  Your teachers at your preschool called you SUNSHINE because you’re just that—big bright smiles with twinkling blue eyes.

You have grown so much in this last year—you are a lover, a good friend, you’re respectful to teachers.  You’ve found your inner sass too!  You love your family, tennis is your sport, and you continue to enjoy dance and express yourself through movement.  You are greatly attached to your sister whom you adore and look up to.  Your favorite singer is Taylor Swift (according to you), but you’ll listen and dance to the Wiggles any day of the week!  Charlotte, your heart is big and your motherly instinct has grown stronger over the last year.  You’re loved by so many and it was so obvious and clear during your birthday parade.

This year comes big changes with Kindergarten at a new school.  With a new school, comes a new environment, new teachers, and new friends.  New routines have never been your thing, but I know this year you can conquer your fears.  Your dad and I are so proud of you and how far you’ve come over the last several months.  Covid hasn’t slowed you down at all.  Your tennis skills have improved and you’re ready to attack the new school year!  You got this, Char!  We love you!

Cheers to you and your amazing self!  Happy sweet 6!



6-year-old pictures taken in Aspen

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