houston child photographer
How can this be? Today is my Mia’s first day of Kindergarten. The tears haven’t begun to flow on my end yet—I think I’m just flat out dry from this summer’s happenings. But yet I know that once she’s in her classroom, I’m gonna lose it.
This little girl, on her first day of preschool some four years ago, cried the entire time, and she continued to do so for the following six months. As she grew older, separation was a challenge (still is), but something tells me today will be different. We’ve worked so hard the last several months on worries, anxieties—-just being able to verbalize the words and acknowledge that that tummy ache is a “nervous” tummy, instead of just “sick” is kind of a big deal over here. We’ve read books, talked and talked and talked some more, and just last night, sprinkled confetti for good luck under her pillow (as requested by her teacher!).
I think she can do this. I think I can do this!!! It’s gonna be great—yes, it WILL be great!
Happy First Day of School to all you kiddos and mommas out there! We CAN do this. 🙂