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My baby turns 4

houston family photographer

To my dear Daughter,

Today you turn 4.  My heart skips a beat saying that.  I cannot believe it—-it seems like just yesterday, I wrote you your letter as you turned 3!

What a beautiful year it has been for you.  You blossomed more than I could have ever imagined—-your wit, your wisdom—it seems like you almost “grew up” in the last twelve months.  Just yesterday you were asking to use my phone, wanting to call your family and friends—I swear you were 16!

I write this as tears pour from my eyes, my heart aches with bittersweet feelings of pride and joy as you look forward to your fourth year in this world.  So many big things are coming your way, and I cannot be more excited to watch you as you experience them.

In just weeks you will be a big sister.  I remember watching you at just 11 months, holding the baby doll Bube gave you when you were born, saying, “baby” over and over again.  You were a tiny mommy even then.  Daddy’s nickname for you is “Little Mommy”—I know it’s just a term of endearment, but somewhere in there, I like to think it’s because you are a “mini me.”  When I’m having one of those mornings, you are so aware and try and to change things around.  You always say, “Mommy, are you happy now?”–your way of making sure things are all good.  You are conscious of others’ feelings and want them to be happy.  You are, as your teachers have said, “an old soul.”  Your attention to detail amazes me and your love for art is inspiring.  You are learning to write and do so with eagerness.  You freely and willingly offer kisses and hugs to me all day long—I find you rubbing my back, my arm, smooching my lips (makes my heart sing!).  You’re like your daddy too–already a lawyer with strong conviction and skills of negotiation that surpass mine!  You won’t take “no” for an answer and will do whatever it takes to get what you want.  We have discussions about TV shows or even Frozen, and you cry when there is a sad part—I swear, you are SO me!

At birth you resembled your daddy and your Mimi—-but as you grow, you’re looking more and more like your Bube and me.  People tell me this all the time.  I love that you’re a combination of Daddy and me—-in your physical characteristics as well as what’s in your heart.

You are everything to us—-we love you more than anything and are so, SO proud of you and the little lady you’re becoming.

Last night, as we discussed this would be the last time I’d say goodnight to you as a three-year-old, you freely told me I could always call you “my little baby.”  Of course, I welled up and kissed you all over.  Little Mia, you will ALWAYS be my LITTLE BABY.  I love you, love you, love you.

xo, Mommy
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